Christian Evers
Christian Evers
Munich, Germany
About the Artist
My painting is about the balance between the fleeting and the timeless. Appearances that flash up briefly within a moment - movements, plays of light, fleeting forms that often go unnoticed and yet lead an existence. For me, capturing these moments with my senses and rendering them in paint is like deciphering a precious language that, in its transience, always refers to something permanent. At the same time, a space of stillness opens up in my works - a timeless origin from which all forms emerge and to which they ultimately return. For me, this space is not just an invisible background, but a mystery, a nameless essence, an emptiness full of potential. My work attempts to convey these two aspects: the visible surface of the moment and the invisible depth that supports it. Each picture thus becomes a dynamic, meditative process aimed at the viewer's perception. They invite us to pause, to be touched by the movement of the moment and at the same time to sense the quiet space behind it.
Christian Evers (born 1980 in Wittingen, DE) is a contemporary painter and illustrator based in Munich, DE. He is known for his dynamic and high-contrast painting style, which illustrates lively scenes and figures that are simultaneously at peace with themselves. He methodically combines elements of Japanese ink painting, which he discovered and practiced through Zen, with Western comic art. This fusion results in a style that is both striking and serene. Evers works primarily with ink, using Chinese and Japanese brush tools, closely followed by watercolor and gouache, and less frequently with oil. Depending on the result to be achieved, he chooses different painting surfaces such as rice paper, watercolor paper, drawing board or canvas. Evers' focus is mainly on creating long series in which he deals with a wide variety of themes that differ in terms of content and motif, but not in style, approach and method. These characteristics are firmly anchored and run like a common thread through his entire collection. He regularly shares his work with a select audience through (mostly) private exhibitions. “In the Spirit of Zen” is Evers' most personal and important series, as he found release from a life crisis through Zen practice, which had a direct impact on his artistic intentions and gave depth and meaning to his works. Another distinguishing feature in almost all of his works is the omission of colors and contours in selected areas of the picture in order to achieve visual stimuli, which at the same time loosens up the depicted scene and allows it to “breathe”. In addition to his painting, Evers works as an illustrator, gives private drawing and painting lessons and has been responsible for the direction and management of the sansaro art box in Munich since 2024, where artists have the opportunity to present their work to the public free of charge. Since 2023, Evers has been a recognized artist of the Haboku painting style of the 540-year-old Tenkei Sesshu painting school in Japan. His works are represented in national and international private collections (DE, FR, USA, EN, AT, CH).