the official home of miami art week

Exhibitor Application - Invitation Only

Exhibitor Application - Invitation Only

2023 Miami Art Week Exhibitor Application
By Invitation Only

Miami Art Week is an art experience like no other.
Invited individual artists, artist groups and collectives, galleries, museums, art, design and other organizations worldwide can participate as an Exhibitor on the Miami Art Week and photoMIAMI digital platforms.

2023 Exhibitor Applications are now by invitation only and are closed to the general public. If you have received this link from Miami Art Week, you may proceed with the application.
Please contact us at with any questions.

Exhibitor Invitation Only online form.

NOTE: Membership, Application and Exhibitor fees are nonrefundable and nontransferable unless determined otherwise by the Miami Art Week Selection or Advisory Committees. All Members and Exhibitors must abide by the Miami Art Week Terms and Conditions and its Privacy Policy. Membership, Application and Exhibitor fees do NOT include any physical booth or event space for any Art Fairs or events held during Miami Art Week or at any other time unless specified in writing by Miami Art Week.