2023 photoMIAMI Fair Exhibitor Form
***By Invitation Only***
The photoMIAMI Fair is a NEW international contemporary photography fair featuring photo-based art, video & new media. It is presented exclusively by Miami Art Week.
It is the only photo-focused fair being held during Miami Art Week. The 2023 Inaugural Fair will be primarily online with a pop-up, live event at the O Cinema in South Beach on December 9, 2023.
Exhibitors and photographers from the international Art Community are invited to participate and exhibit.
You will have the ability to participate in a digital format via the Miami Art Week and photoMIAMI platforms, and if approved, you will have the option to host an Official Miami Art Week photoMIAMI exhibition, as well as photography workshops, seminars, lectures and educational and promotional events. Our goal is to encourage South Florida and international Art Community engagement and encourage photographers and galleries worldwide to showcase their talents. We will also feature photographers and images as chosen by the Selection Committee in the Official Miami Art Week Magazine and on all our media platforms.
If you have any questions, please contact us by email at photomiami@miamiartweek.org or schedule a call with us. The Miami Art Week Exhibitor Services Team will be in touch promptly.
Use the button or form below to sign up as an Invited photoMIAMI Exhibitor at NO COST to you.
Please complete the 2023 photoMIAMI™ Exhibitor Form. By Invitation Only.
Please contact us at exhibitorservices@miamiartweek.org with any questions.
We look forward to your participation. Thank you.
The Miami Art Week & photoMIAMI team.