Susana Soria Chapur
Social Media Profile:
Instagram: chapurss
Susana Soria Chapur, born in Cuba in 1987, studies Postgraduate in Art History at the University of Eastern in her hometown of Santiago of Cuba. Study Postgraduate in traditional engraving techniques with specialization in lithography and collography. Developing a solid career in the visual arts, she has held four solo exhibitions and more than 50 group exhibitions inside and outside the country. Obtaining several awards and recognitions for her creative work, including the Caribbean International Salon Award, Prize awarded by the Department of Art History of the University of Eastern, Prize awarded by the National Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba UNEAC at the Caribbean. She currently lives and works in the city of Miami, United States.
Artist Statement
The representation of women in society has historically been shaped and limited by cultural and media factors. Clothing, as visual symbols, act as a form of external representation, but they do not always reflect the true essence and inner richness of each individual. Throughout history, women have been conditioned to assume roles and appearances imposed by the dominant culture, hiding their inner reality to the established standards. In this context, Susana's work seeks to deconstruct these circles of representation and question how our actions, conscious or not, contribute to perpetuating stereotypes and limitations for women. In addition, the project explores the continuous in consequence of the media in the construction and perpetuation of the female image, highlighting the importance of a critical analysis and a search for new representations that promote gender equality and the empowerment of women.
In the Media And Publications:
Upcoming Exhibitions:
Artwork Pricing
• A bit of fantasy-Monotype and collage on paper-23x39 in.
• Tailored to you-monotype and collage on paper-23x39 in-Price 3000,00 USD
• Under pressure-monotype and collage on paper-23x39 in.
• Don't touch-monotype and collage on paper-23x39 in.
• Beyond what you see-monotype and collage on paper-23x39 in.
• There are looking for happiness-monotype and collage on paper-23x39 in. Price 3000,00 USD
• Something incredible-monotype and collage on paper-23x39 in. Price 3000,00 USD
• Playing-monotype and collage on paper-23x39 in. Price 3000,00 USD
• The trap-monotype and collage on paper-23x39 in. Price 3000,00 USD
• Appearances-monotype and collage on paper-23x39 in. Price 3000,00 USD
• MINOCULARS-Monotype and college on paper-23x39 in. Price 3000,00 USD
• The road-monotype and collage on paper-23x39 in. Price 3000,00 USD
• Balance-monotype and collage on paper-23x39 in. Price 3000,00 USD
• Astonishment-monotype and collage on paper-23x39 in. Price 3000,00 USD
• Sad-monotype and collage on paper-39x23 in. Price 3000,00 USD
• The call-monotype and collage on paper-39x23 in. Price 3000,00 USD
• Gentleness-monotype and collage on paper-39x23 in. Price 3000,00 USD
• The fall-monotype and collage on paper-39x23 in. Price 3000,00 USD
• So close-monotype and collage on paper-39x23 in. Price 3000,00 USD
• Inside-monotype and collage on paper-39x23 in. Price 3000,00 USD