the official home of miami art week

Klaus Hoffman

Klaus Hoffman

Klaus Hoffman



2013-2014 Fotoakademie Cologne, artistic photography
2014-2019 Wiesbaden Free Art School, focus on composition and color theory,
Reorientation from photography to painting
2019-2020 Free Art Academy Frankfurt, painting



„Das sinnliche Erleben der Interaktionen von Farben und Formen, der besonderen Farbkontraste und der Wirkung reiner monochromer Farbflächen, sind die Ziele, die ich mit meiner Malerei erreichen möchte.

Das Werk repräsentiert sich selbst, ohne gegenständlicher Assoziationen auf Dinge außerhalb des Bildraumes.

Reine Pigmente, eingerieben in wässrige Acryldispersion und in zahlreichen dünnen Schichten auf selbst grundiertes Rohleinen aufgetragen, sind die Mittel, mit denen ich meine Ziele verfolge“

"The sensual experience of the interactions of colors and shapes, the special color contrasts, and the impact of pure monochromatic color fields are the goals I aim to achieve with my paintings.

The artwork represents itself, without representational associations to things outside the pictorial space.

Pure pigments, rubbed into aqueous acrylic dispersion and applied in numerous thin layers onto self-primed raw linen, are the means through which I pursue my objectives."

February - Gallus Theater Frankfurt, group exhibition

2022 -only online with Alfa Gallery on Artsy-
December Art Basel Group Show - Alfa Gallery New York-Miami
June Panal - Online Group Show - Alfa Gallery-Miami
April-May Abstraction in Action - Online Group Show - Alfa-Gallery-Miami
January-April Untitled Miami - Online Group Show - Alfa-Gallery-Miami

March "Who's Next Vol.2", Group Show, WFK-Wiesbaden
April "Who's Next Vol.3", group exhibition, WFK-Wiesbaden
May "Who's Next Vol.4", group exhibition, WFK-Wiesbaden
August "Still Summer Special", group exhibition, Stage Gallery Bonn
September "Bonner Herbst Forum", group exhibition, Stage Gallery Bonn
November "Winter Special Show", group exhibition, Stage Gallery Bonn
Dezember, Group Show Gallery 50 Oberursel

In the Media And Publications:

Upcoming Exhibitions:
